Businessman with Rs 19000 crore net worth, Man's World magazine, and the opulent lifestyle publication Verve are both founded by Anuradha Mahindra. Anuradha Mahindra was born into a devoted Hindu family in Mumbai. When Anuradha Mahindra was a student at Sophia College, she first met Anand Mahindra.
Anuradha Mahindra is the wife of wealthy businessman Anand Mahindra, and despite the fact that Anand Mahindra is a fairly well-known name, Anuradha Mahindra has managed to carve out an impressive profile for herself in the luxury and lifestyle industries. Man's World magazine and the opulent lifestyle publication Verve are both founded by Anuradha Mahindra. Anuradha Mahindra was born into a devoted Hindu family in Mumbai. When Anuradha Mahindra was a student at Sophia College, she first met Anand Mahindra.
Anuradha Mahindra and Anand Maindra's love story is a fascinating one. When he first met Anuradha, who was only 17 at the time, Anand was working on a student movie. Anuradha and Anand Mahindra clicked right away because of Anuradha's intelligence and attitude. After a few years, Anand Mahindra made the decision to propose to Anuradha using his grandmother's engagement ring. Anuradha Mahindra claims that her most prized asset is the ring that Anand Mahindra gave her.
Suchitra Krishnamoorthi explains why she didn't object when her ex-husband Shekhar Kapur advised her not to act after marriage in the following related video: Times of India:
Anand Mahindra made the decision to forgo one semester of his education in order to wed Anuradha. The pair departed for the US after being married so they could attend Boston University there. On June 17, 1985, Anand and Anuradha Mahindra tied the knot and are today the joyful parents of two kids. Anuradha Mahindra created 'Man's Globe' magazine with other people after she came back from the US.
Anuradha Mahindra chose to start 'Verve' magazine after experiencing success with Man's World magazine and after making a successful foray into the premium lifestyle market. Anuradha is a voracious reader and enjoys books by well-known authors like Haruki Murakami, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and VS Naipaul. Anuradha Mahindra works as a journalist, and it is fair to claim that she is one of India's most accomplished journalists.
Anuradha Mahindra is not only a great businesswoman but also a philanthropist. She is a trustee for the K. C. Mahindra Education Trust and is passionate about helping disadvantaged kids with their education and finances. One of India's leading industrialists, Anand Mahindra, has an estimated net worth of USD 2.3 billion, according to Forbes.
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